Asahi has developed photonics tools for over 50 years, and now provides state-of-the-art optical filters and instruments to overseas customers.
We are passionate about contributing to the development of optical industries and progress of sciences with our cutting-edge technology. Stop by our website, find the best solutions, and let's discuss what you require for your science and business with Asahi!

Holiday Information

We will be closed for summer holidays from August 10 to 18 2024.
We will not be able to respond to your inquiry and order during this period.
We appreciate your kindly understanding.

Optical Filters

Asahi Spectra offers various types of optical filters as standard. Our optical filters are manufactured by hard coating, such as ion assisted deposition (IAD) and magnetron sputtering (MS). These coating methods achieve hard coating, excellent durability for environment (humidity, low or high temperature, thermal shock or vacuum) and stability of spectral performance.

Optical Instruments

Asahi Spectra offers various types of light sources such as xenon light sources, solar simulators, a halogen light source, and a LED light source. We offer not only light sources but also a monochromator and a transmittance meter. Depending on your application, we will provide the best solution.


UV Filters

Astronomical Filters

Spectra Viewer


Solar Simulator

Monochromatic Light



March 28, 2024

June 18 - 20, 2024
Pacifico Yokohama
Yokohama, Japan

2023 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit / Booth No. 916

September 12, 2023

November 28 - November 30, 2023
Hynes Convention Center
Boston, MA USA

Xenon Light Source 300W Monochromatic Light With Filters

December 21, 2021

We will offer an earlier model, the MAX-303, from January 2022.

Spectra Viewer

May 20, 2021

Easy to compare several filter properties with specific settings